Comments by a Chemist

Regulatory Update – NSW Plastics Ban (1 November 2022)

The NSW Government’s ban on certain single-use plastic items comes into effect on 1 November 2022. The NSW single-use plastic ban will prevent almost 2.7 billion items of plastic litter from entering the environment in NSW over the next 20 years. What’s banned from 1 November This follows the ban on lightweight plastic bags with handles (35 microns or less) from 1 June this year. Get savvy about banned items and their alternatives with our photo galleries. Campaign launched “Let’s Stop it and Swap it” Shocking images of plastic pollution in the ocean and a turtle choking on a plastic

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Creating Your Product – Where to Start

Do you want to create a stand-out beauty and cosmetics brand? Well, the secret ingredient you need is a strong niche. One of the biggest mistakes we see in the industry is a failure to niche, causing both short and long term problems for brands. Your main goal in developing your brand should be to create a highly focused beauty brand that reflects the needs, values, and desires of your chosen niche. By doing so, you create a much stronger brand that is more likely to succeed in today’s competitive market. At pH Factor, we are big believers in the

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Australian Governing Bodies

Here is a list of the Australian Government Bodies AICIS – Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction scheme The Industrial Chemicals Act 2019 – ACCC – Australian Competition and Consumer Commission TGA – Therapeutic Goods Administration NMI – The National Measurement Institute APVMA – The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority For more detail about these governing bodies and what they do and how they impact & support your brand be sure to book into our online module for all things Cosmetic Compliance.

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Microbiome – the next big trend

By looking at the trends in retail, businesses can better predict what their customers will want in the near future and move into a position to fulfil that requirement. MICROBIOME is starting to become the next big trend. Or maybe it will here to stay – mainstream. Let’s look at the data that supports this growing bacteria skincare. As we look at ways to improve our skin health, especially POST PANDEMIC, we turn to our industry experts and events who are driving the trends and supporting our up & coming brands. In February, an exciting PROBIOTA conference was held in Barcelona, Spain.

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Understanding Cosmetic Regulations in Australia

Cosmetic regulators ensure that cosmetic products meet quality and safety standards. In Australia, multiple governing bodies set these standards and compliance criteria for cosmetics, and you must follow these requirements during the manufacturing process to avoid legal consequences and keep your customers safe. These governing bodies will not check your products before you start selling. However, you should always expect your products will be inspected after you go to market. For example, due to the natural way many skin types react to ingredients, there is a high chance that some customers may experience a reaction to one of your products

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Healthy Scalp Skin

Many of us think about our hair and how it looks and not necessarily about what is keeping it looking shiny and healthy.  It is the Scalp, and we are quickly realising that Healthy scalp skin is a prerequisite for great-looking hair, but an inflamed, itchy or dandruff-prone scalp is far more than just an aesthetic issue. There are many Scalp conditions and 10 of the most common are: Last week we talked about the effect of hair loss, the causes, the effect on people and the astonishing amount of people it affects and some solutions to deal with it.

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